Mas Calsan Canyoning – Reynes – Pyrenees Orientales

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Mas Calsan Canyoning – Reynes – Pyrenees Orientales

Discover Canyoning in the Mas Calsan canyon for a descent with a professional canyon instructor guide with a French state diploma in Reynès near Céret en Vallespir in the Pyrénées Orientales, just 40 minutes drive from Perpignan and the beaches of Argelès sur Mer , Saint Cyprien and Collioure…

Canyon Trip description

A canyon descent in the wild gorges of Vallespir.
A succession uninterrupted of waterfalls, slides, jumps and abseils in open waterfalls and gully with reception in basins of crystal clear water are on the menu of the canyon of the Mas Calsan.
This canyon is passable from April to the end of June, it will suit both beginners and initiates alike, it guarantees good sliding sensations with its multitude of slides and “gas” through its two large waterfalls.

The Mas Calsan canyon is made up of two parts, the first is a series of slides and jumps from 2 to 6 meters, no respite between each obstacle!

It ends with 2 successive waterfalls, one in a 20-meter chute cut in the granite resembling a man-made gutter, then the gorges open to give rise to a second waterfall of about fifteen. meters.

We will have a picnic at the foot of this imposing waterfall, on the granite rocks in the sun.

The second part begins with a 12-meter abseil where you find yourself hanging in the air after the break. The sun’s rays pierce through the recessed walls illuminating the emerald-colored water in the basins. Then, the rhythmic descent with slides to end on a very slippery waterfall where we will have fun watching the others descend.

Origin of the name Mas Calsan (Mas Cal Sant) “Mas At the Saint”

Equipment provided for your descent

  • Reinforced canyon suit
  • Harness with double lanyards and descender
  • Helmet
  • Shoes (from 36 to 47)

Personal belongings to plan

  • Swimsuit
  • Socks compulsory
  • 1 pair of sports shoes if size < 36 or > 47
  • Hair elastic for girls
  • Bottle of water

Activity localisation :

The + of Inextremis Aventura

Supervision by a French qualified canyon instructor with more than 30 years of professional experience being one of the pioneers of canyoning in the POs.
A minibus shuttle is organized between the bottom and the top of the canyon avoiding the ascent out of the canyon very steep and painful for your vehicles.
Provision of a waterproof camera free of charge for the entire group (subject to availability) – Free retrieval of photos for download.

Mas Calsan Canyon in Rreynès - Pyrénées Orientales

Topography Mas Calsan Canyon

Name: Canyon du Mas Calsan “Cal Sant” Canyon
Location: Ribera de Cal Sant
Municipality: Reynes
Department: Pyrenees-Orientales
Region: Occitanie – Mediterranean Pyrenees
Country: France
25 min approach walk
1 jump of 2 m
1 slide of 1 m
1 slide of 3 m
1 slide of 5m
1 slide of 4 m
1 slide of 2 m
1 jump of 6 m 1 abseil of 10 m
1 jump of 2 m
1 abseiling in a narrow chute of 24 m
1 abseil of 17 m
15 min walk to the 2nd part
1 abseil of 10 m
1 3m slide or 3m jump
1 Abseil of 13 m
1 Rappel-Toboggan of 6 m
1 Abseil 7 m slide
1 Abseil 7 m slide
Descending and 3m slide
0H30 walk from the exit to the vehicle

You want a different date than those displayed for your canyoning trip? We can set up a departure on request.

Prices for the outing

Descent (half day)

  • Adult rate from 1 to 4 people: 51 € / pers
  • Adult rate from 5 to 7 people and more: 48 € / pers
  • Adult rate from 8 to 10 people and more: 45 € / pers
  • Adolescent rate from 12 to 14 years old: 45 € / pers

Full descent (day)

  • Adult rate from 1 to 4 people: 61 € / pers
  • Adult rate from 5 to 7 people and more: 58 € / pers
  • Adult rate from 8 to 10 people and more: 55 € / pers
  • Adolescent rate from 12 to 14 years old: 55 € / pers

Decreasing prices from 61 to 45 € 4 hours

Pay a 20% deposit per item

Select the total number of places above

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