Clue du Terminet Canyoning Trip – Canyon de Termes – Aude

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Clue du Terminet Canyoning Trip – Canyon de Termes – Aude

Discover canyoning in the Clue du Terminet canyon at Termes in the Aude department in the Cathar hinterland of the Occitanie region in the company of a French canyoning certified instructor guide.

Canyon Trip description

Canyoning in the Aude for families and children! …

The Canyon of “La Clue du Terminet”, more commonly known as the Canyon of Termes, is ideal for discovering canyoning from the age of 10. It is located near the village of Termes in the Hautes Corbières, in the heart of the Pays Cathare Audois. The river has dug its bed, forming this small canyon in the Gorges de la Clue du Terminet in a pink marble, revealing ancient underground limestone cavities (caves) still revealing a multitude of concretions.

This canyon, located in a very wild limestone site, allows you to have a complete vision of the techniques of progression. Equipped with a neoprene suit, helmet and harness, you can jump, dive, swim, slide on the slides and learn rappelling techniques.
This very progressive site allows everyone to adjust the difficulties encountered according to their motivations (recall from 3 to 8 meters, jumps from 3 to 8 meters without obligation for the highest).

Thanks to its topography, this beginner’s canyon has all the ingredients to discover the canyoning activity in good conditions, without difficulty and in complete safety. It’s both fun and a bit technical with easy jumps and a few slides, but you will also have the option of rappelling in vertical stunts.

Equipment provided for your descent

  • Reinforced canyon suit
  • Harness with double lanyards and descender
  • Helmet
  • Shoes (from 36 to 47)

Personal belongings to plan

  • Swimsuit
  • Socks compulsory
  • 1 pair of sports shoes if size < 36 or > 47
  • Hair elastic for girls
  • Bottle of water

Activity localisation  :

The + of Inextremis Aventura

Supervision by an experienced French qualified canyoning Guide instructor who knows the region perfectly.
Friendly welcome guaranteed with suitable group numbers.
Quality equipment disinfected on each trip.
Photos of the session offered.

Topography Clue du Terminet Canyon in Termes

You want a different date than those displayed for your canyoning trip ? We can set up a departure on request.

Prices for the outing

  • Adult rate from 1 to 4 people: 42 € / pers
  • Adult rate from 5 to 7 people : 40 € / pers
  • Adult rate from 8 to 10 people : 38 € / pers
  • Adolescent rate from 12 to 14 years old: 38 € / pers

Decreasing prices from 42 to 38 € 4 hours

Pay a 20% deposit per item
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