Jean Vilallongue – State Diploma in Canyoning

☏ +33 980 850 565

☏ +33 629 564 036

Jean VILALLONGUE Canyon Instructor, State Diploma in sports improvement with a specialization in canyoning. Your Guide is one of the great canyoning specialists in the Pyrénées Orientales, since above all he is a canyoner.
Born in Prats de Mollo la Preste in the Pyrénées Orientales on February 8, 1966, he divides his time between his village, his travels, his work and the mountain which has been his cradle since his earliest childhood.
Passionate about this world, he began practicing the mountain at a very young age with his mother, soon he was attracted by vertical universes and practiced climbing and mountaineering up to the Andes Cordilleras in Peru and Bolivia.
In the company of a fellow speleologist, he discovered the Catalan canyons in 1983. He set his sights on this activity by going to Sant Aniol d’Aguja in Catalonia at the age of 17 (1 piton in place), a real expedition at that time when it was necessary to equip before being able to descend.
He opened and participated in the equipment of the first canyons in the Pyrénées Orientales in Vallespir and became one of the pioneers of this activity.
The rest, logical!..
Many appointments with the canyons of the Franco-Spanish Pyrenees and to other destinations: Balearic Islands, Canary Islands, Sierra de Guara, Corsica, Alpes Maritimes and Peru where in the company of a guide from the country they opened and equipped a canyon in the Cuzco region. All he had to do was share his passion and experience by training and obtaining his state certificate of mountaineering and his state canyon qualification. First responsible for 10 years of the Centre d’animation de la Ville de Prats de Mollo la Preste, he left in 1998 for Spain to manage a multi-sports company, returning since 2006 he settled as a self-employed worker again in the Pyrénées Orientales.
With [xyz-ips snippet=”essais”] years already spent with his feet in the water in the canyons of several regions of France and Spain, he has specialized since 1988 in the canyons of the southern and northern slopes of the Catalan Pyrenees, in his “Country” that he saw him born, grow up and that he particularly loves.
Still passionate about the subject, he took over the presidency of the GPC66 (Groupement des professionnels du Canyon des Pyrénées Orientales), where he worked with the members of this organization, professional friends, to create a logistical and institutional plan for the activity to defend the interests of his professional comrades in the Pyrénées Orientales, but also by organizing equipment, cleaning and development operations for the canyons. He hopes to see this activity included in the development plan for the Grand site Canigó for future generations, to make this country one of the great European destinations for quality canyoning activities and to allow professionals to work in good conditions.

The + d’Inextremis Aventura

Our instructor Jean VILALLONGUE doesn’t let anything go because of his professional experience of [xyz-ips snippet=”pro”] years.
His biggest concern when practicing the activity is safety, so the rules are very clear and mandatory, it’s his role and his job.
He knows the canyoning places like the back of his hand, since [xyz-ips snippet=”essais”] years and he spends 1/3 of his time there during the year.
He is a friendly, cheerful, helpful, attentive character, who will share his passion for canyoning with you, but be careful not to step on his toes, he is a “mountain man”.
92% of our customers call on our company again when they come back to do canyoning in the Pyrénées Orientales, it is certainly because of the quality of its supervision and its know-how.

Clearing the Rock Canyon Gourg des Anelles in Céret - Jean Vilallongue & Arnaud Simon

Jean Vilallongue and Arnaud Simon, two seasoned professionals in action. Preparing for the season by checking equipment in the canyons. Clearing a rock stuck in the Gourg des Anelles waterfall in Céret, “an operation organized by the GPC66”. In the end, the rock was cleared and our two friends’ ears were well washed…

canyoning Maria Valenta - Jean Vilallongue
In catalan “El foc es pot a tura, l’aigua cal que passi !…”
Fires can be put out, but water must pass through!…

Canyoning Gorge de Nuria - Jean Vilallongue


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