La Llitera Canyoning Trip – Gorges de Taurinya – Pyrenees Orientales

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La Llitera Canyoning Trip – Gorges de Taurinya – Pyrenees Orientales

Canyoning trip in La Llitera, Taurinya Gorges in the Pyrenees orientales (66) on the Canigó massif in the heart of a splendid and wild site in the company of a professional canyon instructor guide graduated from the French State.

One of the large rope canyons of Canigó with very large vertical waterfalls watered …

On the program:
A real mountain canyon with abseils from 5 to 42 m, long slides and fantastic slides from 2 to 12 m…
Have you already practiced this activity? For lovers of extreme sports, Inextremis Aventura invites you to have fun in the largest verticals of one of the canyons of the Canigó Massif.
A succession of waterfalls with an always important flow gives it in the level IV sports canyons.
A thrilling canyon where gas is omnipresent.
This canyon is ideal for perfecting your abseiling technique, while enjoying the scenery that awaits you.

Equipment provided for your descent

  • Reinforced canyon suit
  • Harness with double lanyards and descender
  • Helmet
  • Shoes (from 36 to 47)
  • Canyoning Bag
  • Waterproof container

Personal belongings to plan

  • Swimsuit
  • Socks compulsory
  • 1 pair of sports shoes if size < 36 or > 47
  • Hair elastic for girls
  • Bottle of water
  • Picnic

The + of Inextremis Aventura

Supervision by a French qualified canyon instructor with more than 30 years of professional experience being one of the pioneers of canyoning in the Pyrenees Orientales.
A minibus shuttle is organized between the bottom and the top of the canyon avoiding the ascent out of the canyon very steep and painful for your vehicles.
Provision of a waterproof camera free of charge for the entire group (subject to availability) – Free retrieval of photos for download.

Topography la Llitera Gorges de Taurinya “Salt de l’Aigua”

Topo réalisé par Remy Villalongue

Total duration of the activity 6h00
Descent into the canyon between 3h00 and 3h30 depending on the groups
01h00 approach walk
Waterfall 5 m
Slide 6 m
Waterfall 5 m
Waterfall 5 m
Slide 8 m
Waterfall 6 m
Waterfall 6 m
Waterfall 7 m
100 m river walk
Waterfall 6 m
60 m river walk
Waterfall 6 m
Waterfall 6 m
350 m walk in the river
Waterfall 5 m
Waterfall 4 m
Waterfall 18 m
50 m river walk
Slide 10 m
Slide 6 m
100 m river walk
Waterfall 4 m
150 m river walk
Slide 5 m
12 m waterfall
150 m river walk
Waterfall 10 m
50 m river walk
Waterfall 10 m
Slide 8 m
Waterfall 23 m
Waterfall 15 m
Waterfall 10 m
Slide 8 m
Waterfall 42 m
0H40 walk from the exit to the vehicle
all the obstacles can be avoided or overcome by abseiling.

You want a different date than those displayed for your canyoning trip ? We can set up a departure on request.

Prices for the outing

  • Adult rate from 1 to 4 people: 100 € / pers
  • Adult rate from 5 to 7 people : 95 € / pers
  • Adult rate from 8 to 10 people : 90 € / pers

Tarifs dégressifs de 100 à 90 € 8 hours

Pay a 20% deposit per item
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